Friday, January 21, 2011

Moving to israel. How difficult is the commute between nes zion and rehevot? also how long does it take

Moving to israel. How difficult is the commute between nes zion and rehevot? also how long does it take?
Moving but from US to Israel. Working at wiezmann but thinking of living in Nes Zion, found a great house. Is commute between the two cities difficult? How long would it taske? Could I cycle (less than 15 miles one way)?
Israel - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you plan on using the public transportation (i.e. buses), it depends on whether there is a bus station near your house. Usually it's not a problem, and it should take 2-12 minutes (depending on the bus route and traffic) to get from Nes Ziona central bus station to Weizmann Institute (~3.5km). Check the Egged bus company website for details: You could also cycle, but mostly there are no bicycle paths...
2 :
the bus ride is nto too long it is how long you may have to wait for the bus and if you will find a seat, walk... much luck
3 :
Very happy you're moving to Israel!! :) Used to live in Rehovot and it is very close to Nes Tziyona.