I heard about that rumour test in joint with south africa, but that's incredibly unlikely as it is virtually impossible to hide a nuclear test....certainly a decent sized one.
Military - 8 Answers
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1 :
Maybe they should test one in Crawford, Texas or some other empty space
2 :
You assume they have never tested a weapon. How many tests were done underground in Nevada and how sure are you the U.S. didnt help them test their equipment?
3 :
I don't believe that Israel has nuclear weapons. But if they did they could always test them underground without anyone noticing .
4 :
There is the Vela incident in the South Atlantic that picked up a double-flash of a nuclear explosion some years ago. It is thought that this could have been an Israeli test.
5 :
There is only a need to test if your starting a program from scratch more than likely Israel has nukes on loan from the USA which has the oldest and most established nuke program and therefore no need for testing.
6 :
They did have a nuclear test in the ocean off the South African coast and no, they were not able to hide it.
7 :
This day in time after the SALT agreement with the U.S and USSR, if any country tested nuclear weapons, you wouldn't notice. The treaty stated that all nuclear weapons tests must be done underground. And yes, Israel has nuclear armaments. They were supplied a little by the U.S. and you can see in pictures that they have launch sites, power plants, and enrichment plants.
8 :
Israel(Zionists) will go to hell by god's power, coming soon...