Sunday, October 21, 2012

Marriages in Israel.......

Marriages in Israel.......?
Is it true, like Frau Asher says, that in Israel Orthodox Jews are not permitted to marry Conservative Jews? I mean, that wouldn't happen of course, because an Orthodox Jew wouldn't marry a Reform Jew, but is it true that the Beit Din simply wouldn't allow even a marriage between two Reform Jews? I'm confused!!! Can anyone explain how marriages work in Israel? Frau, I hope you'll forgive me for having mentioned you. So how do Reform people get married in Israel? Are there any Reform synagogues in Israel? Or are they all Orthodox?
Religion & Spirituality - 11 Answers
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1 :
All I know is that Israel has no secular marriage; this country does not provide that basic service for some of its citizens. They actually need to leave the country and get married elsewhere. And when rabbis control marriage, they allow or forbid it according to ridiculous, arcane rules. Has your child been born out of wedlock? No marrying inside the country for him.
2 :
Not true. An Orthodox rabbi will not perform a wedding in which the bride or groom is not Jewish, but once the "Jewishness" and single status of both bride and groom are verified, an Orthodox rabbi will be happy to perform the wedding, no matter what beliefs the bride or groom hold. If the bride or groom CONVERTED to Judaism via the conservative or reform movement, and NOT according to Jewish law, then they cannot be considered Jewish, and thus an Orthodox rabbi cannot understandably perform the wedding ceremony. EDIT: There are about 21 reform congregations in Israel, and the one in Ramat-Hasharon is sanctioned by the Israeli government. Many people who do not desire to undergo a religious wedding ceremony go to places like Cyprus, Greece, or Italy, where they offer civil marriages. Many Israeli travel agencies offer such packages: A civil ceremony and a honeymoon. These are very popular among Israelis who are secular and could not care less about religion. The Israeli governments does recognize wedding ceremonies performed in other countries.
3 :
um, no, you can get married in israel. in fact, i know orthodox jews who live in america and went to israel just to get married. the fact is, jewish marriage is really just signing a contract, you do not even need the rest if you dont want-- stepping on the cup, breaking the plate, the chuppah, etc. etc. Jews are not obligated to get married in israel.
4 :
I don't know how it's being worked at the moment, but I know the past problems with this were hammered out & it's no longer the oddball issue it used to be. What Orthodox are permitted is only going to matter to Orthodox & within that community & it's a religious question, not a civil one. If you're Orthodox then you'll want to marry someone of like mind, so it's not going to come up. And if your marrying a secular who's joining you in Orthodox -- then how would one evaluate? An important concept is that Israel doesn't work off the Reform, Conservative, Orthodox model. They have religious who care about what the jewish court says, & non-religious or less observant, often called secular. EDIT: Yes there are representatives synoguages of the various branches. I was trying to not be confusing. There it's often not stated that way at all. I tried asking a question on a politics tour & thoroughly side tracked the guide & half the bus by using those terms. It's just confusing...because it is. This all has NOTHING to do with civil marriages in Israel. My secular (non-religious) cousin got married a month ago with no hitches. I think it's that there was a problem for a while getting the religious side of a secular marriages to be recogized, so people went out of the country to Cyprus (a short trip) & then it' could be "imported" in just fine, but that's since changed for a while now. I tried to go to Cyprus & for security reasons you can't get there directly anymore & no one, not even the official Israel Travel branch knew of a way to do what I wanted. =============== I think you may be getting caught up in some internal drama stuff, that's confusing in part because of Jewish style of lots & lots of talk & pushing for change as needed, so it gets attention & sounds very messy in the process. The marriage issues are long since in the past. The conversion questions are recent, but have some basis, & they'll get sorted out too. We use debate as a form of entertainment & problem solving remember... But nothing so horrific is occuring that the community is getting on it at a loud level (NOT hearing much about it NOR distress statements from heads of organizations), so I'm not worried at this point. Just some internal stuff. Mark S had a link for supporting converts in general - I bet that'd be a good place to ask about this.
5 :
6 :
not accurate. an orthodox rabbi will not perform a wedding when the jewishness of one of the partners is in doubt. if someone was born jewish and is conservative/reform/"secular" there's no problem. the problem starts when the person converted through a reform or conservative beith din (rabbinical court). in some cases even people who converted through an orthodox beith din are required to promise to keep a religious observant home. since in israel there are only religious marriages. people who are not "marriagable" will have to go somewhere else and get a civil union certificate or just live as common law partners.
7 :
Kismet is right.
8 :
The specific issue is that conversions performed by Conservative or Reform clergy are not Halachicly acceptable. That being the case, the Israeli Rabbinate, which is Orthodox, will not officiate at a marriage in which one (or both) of the people had converted via Conservative or Reform rabbis. However, if both are Jewish (i.e. born Jewish) or converted under Orthodox auspices, I don't see why they would decline to officiate. There are a few Reform synagogues, from what I have heard. Hebrew Union College (Reform seminary) has a branch in Jerusalem.
9 :
The Rabbinate does perform the marriage ceremony. Therefore, inter-religious marriage is not allowed. Marrying between Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jews shouldn't pose a problem, unless if one of the parties became Jewish through a non-Othrodox conversion. If that is the case, the conversion is not recognized by the Orthodox community and therefore the Rabbinate (which is a beit din in Orthodox Judaism in Israel) will consider that as an inter-religious marriage. There are three routes to go then: 1) go seperate ways, 2) the person in question converts to Judaism via Orthodox Judaism, or 3) the Israeli government recognizes marriages perfomed outside of Israel as well.
10 :
All Jews no matter what denomination, in Israel you must marry in a religious wedding because civil wedding arent valid. Then and there. Its very simple and you may have been confused by what Frau said, when it just had to be stated simply. Yes, There are Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Synagogues in Israel. There is a active Conservative movement in Israel. As well as the Reform movement.
11 :
No, that's not true. In Israel, a Jew is allowed to marry a Jew, whether or not either are religious.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

So is israel a Racists state

So is israel a Racists state?
Can anyone back these statements up, please do not add your opinions, edit them or claim they where never said: Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983 Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." ARIEL SHARON- "Leibowitz is right, we are Judeo-Nazis, and why not? "Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don't care. What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it. It could have been finished in 1948, but you interfered, you stopped it.because of your Diaspora mentality.
Current Events - 19 Answers
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1 :
Ask them, if they walk out of the room you will know, becuase they certainly have no problem calling everyone else racists.
2 :
These elder leaders of Israel are of the Old Guard. They were terrorists against UK occupation before 1948. Since then, Israel has been attacked 5 times by neighboring Arab states, who refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a nation. Are they racist? No. Are you?
3 :
The state does have policies only protecting white Zionists supporters or Jews, not jewish arabs, jewish africans, or even jewish gays., may not b as harsh as Iran is on homosexuality but it is harsher on ethnic groups to create a false statistic of minorities in claims the jewish majority exists. It is why the state offers insurance on homes for a hopes o getting a huge head count over the Palestinians, truth is Jews are and always will be a minority and Zionists are not all Jews. The state is un called for and part of the plan which put Hitler into power, a propagandists who created the myth of a problem to extort the German nation after plunging it to a abyss. No one denies there was a Holocaust aka Shoa, what allot of people have been discovering is that Hitler himself was a Zionists Jew hater, like many Zionists that hate the Diaspora Jewish way as your posts displays stated by as Ariel Sharon !
4 :
...Israel is a Jewish State (secular and religious). They believe as they always have that God (YHVH) has given them the Land that "they" currently occupy... and from the direction of what history has shown, "they" have held on to that Land quite efficiently in the face of overwhelming adversaries ! (...maybe God and the Jews know something that the rest of the World might need to take a hard look at, umm ?)
5 :
For Israel to exist as a Nation it is written that all 12 tribes must be re united and spread abroad the lands to bring peace, this is not the case, this is a isolation of colonialism based on a Ideology to create a STATE NATION aka Country out of a land for anyone who believes in one God, to defer that alone is racists and against humanity, those who support it admit they do not recognize others as human beings., as i read those who claim others are anti american or israel are themselves against equal rights., the international community is not just the UNITED STATES and political allies aka dictators but all the WORLD , all the world clearly sees racism from the state of Israel, nothing else. Elders where put to death during the state becuase they where to weak to fight according to the founders of the state and the Zionists Messiah Theodre Herzl, Satan's very own friend.
6 :
They are two falsified quotes, stop promoting lies and slander; Edit: "Man Pig", that quote is also a fraud:
7 :
Oh Com on, those statements by ARIEL SHARON and Menachem Begin where just jokes, they do not mean that the other 2 legged goys are not people, just that dark ones who came down from the trees never existed, sort of pulling the weeds out, they did that land good by burning down the Olive, orange, almond, blossom and honeysuckle trees, they replaced them with huge prisons of kid napped children and woman to be sure there relatives did not ever try to appose settlements. Israel is the most moral and honest army, sure they lied a few hundred times about there nukes, sure they hid that there politicians raped and murdered children for fun, wanted by israeli police and FBI for fraud, money laundering etc, but there God has a plan so america pays for it, you know they say Israel will do america a favor and be head them, i am sure they will stand in line like usual, so why don't you too, its fun to die, all you are is a animal, i dont see white skin, Hitler himself loved the blond blue eyed jews, so why dont you admit it, they are the master race, no matter if they are muslim or jews, they will always butcher dark folks.
8 :
This is a very popular one while Zionist TV re write there own about Iran: Ben-Gurion commented on the proposed Peel Commission Partition plan as follows in 1937: "We must EXPEL ARABS and take their places .... and, if we have to use force-not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan, but to guarantee our own right to settle in those places-then we have force at our disposal." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 66). Note the premeditated plan to ethnically cleanse the Negev and Transjordan which were not allocated to the Jewish State by the Peel Commission,
9 :
well does 400 statement by all israeli leaders like those have any excuse, if they are not racists and blame the Palestinians then they became racists, now where do we put these homeless kids, is that what they are saying, they got 2 trillion of US tax payers earned dollars so far!
10 :
More then Racists, look at the plans they have put to action today which our economy has been crippled from! New world order "The Zionists as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Zionists will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Zionists. It will then be possible for the Zionists rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Zionists will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." — Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928
11 :
Today 2009, I cannot consider a nation like Israel 'racists' as they gladly live side by side with other cultures, inhabiting Jews, Christians and Muslims. I've been there, nice country and people. Honey what year is it now. Menachem Begin as Israeli Prime Minister made that statemnt during 1977–1983. It's now 2009. Why are we still looking back.
12 :
Honey it is 2009, no one in israel is racist any more, lets give back the land and compensate the victims who lost there lives to Hitler and Racists Israel's past, now that this year some decide Israel is not racists. Was it only January that the last racists from the USA put on Israeli uniforms, got passports from Israel and massacred a few thousand people? Hypocrites and liars still trying to justify a racists state, DUH of course it is racists, just as ignorant and racists as those who posted here defending it, if your post is also deleted be proud that you know how racists the site is, youtube is even censored by red neck KKK's from israel, not all israelies are racist, many are jewish or simply do not need a flag up to present there bad character.
13 :
I think that Israel is Racist M
14 :
Since no one asked the presidant of Iran why he believes the State of Israel is racist and oppressed Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and many christian neighbors why do not we, or did he already prove who the clowns where in the audience? Lord we need to get rid of teh clowns, does to show who ran the UN!
15 :
The usual Israeli excuse is to say its all lies or it never happened.How do they answer to the fact that Israel are going to build A Memorial of Tolerance to remember the holocaust right on top of a Palestinian cemetery ? or even more quotes from Israeli leaders both past and present ? All lies also ?
16 :
Is it not interesting how the world thinks the US and Israel exploit racism but not according to there media. Look at the USA, 92 million Native American in indians, early heretic jewish slave traders, they even tried starting this in south africa, it is 2009, Israel recognizes no progress, just that Zionism is the ultimate supremacists new world order..
17 :
Jews are racist ... They know they're racist, I know they're racist, You know they're racist .. All the dead Arabs know they're racist .. All right minded, sane human beings know they're racist.. Its as plain a fact as.. that the sun rises in the east. What is this question even about?
18 :
your quotes are b-s.
19 :
Not at all. In Israel there are a mix culture of people living there. With what you are posting doesn't sound good, but where is your source to back this up?? Did you get this from an Arab source?? I think it is the 'radical Islamists' who are racist against the Jews. Plus, even in the U.S. there are still racists among us. They are every where! So stop saying that Israel is racist and do some more of your search instead of looking at resources that have a beef with Israel. Do your homework! Who's blowing up who??

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Does Obama support Israel or not

Does Obama support Israel or not?
This statement in regard to the Khalidi tape certainly doesn't sound like Obama is a friend of Israel. "Saw a clip from the tape. Reason we can't release it is because statements Obama said to rile audience up during toast. He congratulates Khalidi for his work saying "Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine" plus there's been "genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis." It would be really controversial if it got out. That's why they will not even let a transcript get out."
Elections - 16 Answers
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1 :
2 :
WOW, another good reason why I'm glad I didn't vote for him.
3 :
I think he must or Mossad will take him out. Isn't that the way they do business? Seriously, Israel is grossly over represented in our government- America needs them like a hole in the head anyway. This is the cause of all of our grief over their. He should make certain demands upon them not to increase their unlawful settlements. Beyond that I'm all for Israel, but not to our own detriment- its' a cost/benefit thing.
4 :
Why would a Muslim support Israel....get real!
5 :
Nope. Muslims support Muslims. Obama will nuke the shite out of the Jews.
6 :
He's polling at 80 percent with Jewish voters. I don't see this getting much vote traction. Sorry.
7 :
Honest question: What's the big deal if someone is for or against Israel? What if Obama was against Finland? Would you care then? Or what if McCain was anti-Portugal? WHY DOES ISRAEL MATTER OVER OTHER COUNTRIES?? EDIT: you can give me as many thumbs down as you want.... It's an honest question looking for an honest answer.
8 :
I believe those things he said. Why would he want to hide that?
9 :
I think this clip will answer your question. Don't listen to what he says, pay attention to who he associates with. There you will find the true answer.
10 :
Ya it is really scary to know he is prob going to win... If you don't know why Israel is important than you are really lost!
11 :
I wonder if you have any critical words or twisted analogy of the $448,000 that a McCain chaired organization gave this SAME MAN? The link to McCains Group Tax return is in the article.
12 :
As a Christian I have always felt it a God given duty to honor the Jewish People and have done so. However, I have seen polls that indicate that approx. 75% of the Jewish people in America are supporting Obama. Should after election polls bear out the polls I have seen, I will feel the freedom to abandon mu support of the Jewish people as they have abandoned God by their support of Obama. They invite their own demise.
13 :
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Perhaps, like with everything else he will change on that just before the election hour. Nothing surprising.
14 :
I would say not. Especially since he now says he does.Ever notice how the words "lawyer" and " liar" sound alike? Obama is at least one of these two.
15 :
No. Obama doesn't. He is friends with terrorists already who have called Israel evil. He wants to make friends with Iran's leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has sworn to kill the Israeli's, and also trying to make nuclear bombs against International law, and a treaty they signed to not make WMD, sit down and have a tea party with a terrorist. How many terrorist friends does one Presidential candidate need? All of them? He told Georgia, who is being attacked by Russia to use restraint! He's a frigging nutcase!
16 :
of course he hates isreal he is a Muslim they have been fighting with judisim cristanity for centruys

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why should Israel arrest Palestinians for opposing the building of their so called "security walls"

Why should Israel arrest Palestinians for opposing the building of their so called "security walls"?
It now seems that its an offense in Israel to hold different views to their corrupt government. Its even stated that foreigners are not exempt Does this mean I may be getting a visit from Mossad. If so I hope they come well prepared . Palestinians are also getting arrested for not having visas to work. Have Israel forgotten without Palestinian underpaid workers they could not even build these Berlin walls let alone their illegal settlements
Current Events - 5 Answers
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1 :
It has been an ongoing battle one u nor me might see the end of so lets see, foreigners are not seen well in alot of countries, they see foreign they see capture money. We invite all to our poor country. underpaid workers working their buts off for nothing I have no sympathy look at American children eating only the free lunches they get.
2 :
They don't want to risk peaceful opposition to their illegal occupation breaking out, it would ruin their myth that they have to commit human rights violations to defend themselves.
3 :
Israel is doing the right thing to protect its citizens from the murderous fanatics in Palestine.
4 :
You would have a lot more credibility if you didn't keep quoting Aljazeera propaganda. If Israel arrested someone, I would guess that person broke a law. That happens in civilized countries around the world. Break a law - get arrested.
5 :
Why would you get a visit from Mossad? I highly doubt you live or work in Israel, and you aren't any sort of threat to them. They have bigger fish to worry about. You know, people who actually threaten civilian life. Palestinians getting arrested for not having visas? If it is a law in Israel that you cannot cross into green-line Israel without a visa, then who are they to break it? I mean, it is legal for the U.S. to deport anyone not having the correct visas to be here. Same thing, really, since many people flock to the U.S. for work. Speaking of which, where are the jobs the PA promised? Do you know why some willingly build the settlements? Because, to them, feeding their families is more important than letting them starve for a state. Yes, I know, it is a tragedy that they have to illegally flock to Israel for a chance to work, but they are still breaking the law, and are arrested because of it. Israel attracts many from abroad, so they don't need Palestinian workers, like you insist. And, while I'm not 100% behind the wall, I do recognize the fact that, because of it, 90% of the terrorism has decreased, and Israelis are less scared now. Sucks that they had to do that to halt Palestinian terrorism, but Israel does what it has to.